Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Making Musical Moments

What exciting things are happening each week in the Music Room!  The students have leaned many new songs including our Hello” song. They are also leaning a song which they will sing during offering in Chapel each week. Beginning next week we will start on recorders in our third through fifth grade classes; offering recorders to the third graders is new this year.  We have recorders for all third through fifth grade students, but students may choose to bring them from home also.  If your student has a recorder at home that they want to bring and leave at school please mark it so that it can be easily identified.

There is still time for students to sign up for both choirs and handbells!  We will also begin choir and handbells next week. The 4th and 5th grade choir meets on Tuesday and handbells rehearse on Friday.  The 1st to 3rd choir will begin on September 12th.  The choirs meet from 3:15 to 3:45.


Mrs. Miller
Mikyum, fifth grade
accompanies her class

Friday, August 12, 2016

Welcome to Music

Dear Parents,
I am so excited to be teaching music this year at the Academy. We have a new room  but all the same musical instruments to share.
I have taught music for several years and am looking forward to meeting parents during the year.
Check the blog often for updates on what different things we will be doing each week.
Third grade will be learning recorders this year. I am also doing the choirs and handbells so hopefully students will want to join in order to add music to the worship services.

Looking forward  to meeting everyone

Joyce Miller